Online Application start date: 17.01.2025 (09:00 hrs IST)
Online Application closing date : 16.02.2025 (23.30 hrs IST)
Candidates are advised to read the instructions below before payment of Application Fee through SB Collect (Click here)
Candidates are required to pay Application Fee of Rs.500/- through SBI Collect by ONLINE/SBI Branch. The candidates belonging to SC/ST/Ex-Servicemen (ESM) & PwBD/Women/CSIR Employees are exempted from submission of application fee.
Candidates applying for more than one post must pay separate application fee for each post indicating the Code Number of the post.
For detailed navigation of payment of Fee through State Bank Collect portal, click here
The transaction number generated after successful payment of fee is required to be mentioned in the online application. The candidates are advised to download the E-receipt containing transaction number and transaction date etc. The hard copy of each application must be accompanied by SBI Collect Payment receipt.
Fees once paid will not be refunded at any cost nor can it be held in reserve for any other recruitment or selection process.