सीएसआईआर-केन्द्रीय चर्म अनुसंधान संस्थान
CSIR-Central Leather Research Institute

अड्यार, चेन्नई Adyar, Chennai - 600 020

Recruitment to the posts of Technician (1)

Advertisement No. 01/2025

Online Application start date: 17.01.2025 (09:00 hrs IST)

Online Application closing date : 16.02.2025 (23.30 hrs IST)

For Registered Candidates



  • Candidates desirous to apply for technical positions against the advertisement should apply through this Online Recruitment Portal only.
  • Candidates have to register with a valid Email Address by clicking on the "New Registration" button on the left side panel.
  • Upon successful registration, candidates may open the Recruitment portal with the Registration ID and the Password to fill the online application form.
  • The Registration ID and Password is important for accessing and filling the Online Application Form.
  • Candidates applying for more than one post have to register separately for each post separately and have to submit application for the post applied for.

Candidates are advised to read the instructions below before payment of Application Fee through SB Collect (Click here)

Candidates are required to pay Application Fee of Rs.500/- through SBI Collect by ONLINE/SBI Branch. The candidates belonging to SC/ST/Ex-Servicemen (ESM) & PwBD/Women/CSIR Employees are exempted from submission of application fee.

Candidates applying for more than one post must pay separate application fee for each post indicating the Code Number of the post.

For detailed navigation of payment of Fee through State Bank Collect portal, click here

The transaction number generated after successful payment of fee is required to be mentioned in the online application. The candidates are advised to download the E-receipt containing transaction number and transaction date etc. The hard copy of each application must be accompanied by SBI Collect Payment receipt.

Fees once paid will not be refunded at any cost nor can it be held in reserve for any other recruitment or selection process.

  • Login with Registration ID and Password to access the application form and fill the information.
  • The Online Application Form has 65 tabs
    1. Personal Details
    2. Educational Details
    3. Experience Details
    4. Other Details
    5. Upload Documents
    6. Final Submission
  • Candidates should fill the correct information and they are solely responsible for any typographical or other errors in data feeding. Later no request will be entertained for correction after final submission.
  • Before filling the Online Application Form, Candidates have to keep the scanned copy of clearly visible recent passport size colour photo of dimensions 300px width, 400px height (3:4 ratio) and maximum 100kb size in standard image format .jpg) and Scanned copy of clearly visible signature of dimension 130px width, 150px height and maximum 100kb size in standard image format.
  • Before filling the Online Application Form, Candidates have to keep the scanned copy of clearly visible signature photo of dimensions 150px width, 150px height and maximum 1MB size in standard image format .jpg)
  • Candidates can Login any number of times and navigate across the pages 1 to 5 to fill or update information. Please use "Save Details" button to preserve the filled in information.
  • After filling information in all the pages, please click the "Final Submit" button in 'Final Submission' Page to submit the application.
  • Please note that once application is submitted, candidates will not have access to edit any information in Online Application Form. Hence, candidates have to ensure that they completely fill the application form in all respects with correct details and verify it before final submission.
  • After final submission of the online application form, please click "Generate Application Form in PDF" button to generate the PDF file of Application form.